About Me

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My name is Chad Davis. I am the creation of my Lord and Savior, I am the son of Marilyn Davis and the late Carl Davis, I am the brother of Gregory Carl Davis, I am a husband to the amazing Tara Davis, and I am a friend to many; all of which put up with me and keep me in-line. I am grateful and blessed to have such an amazing cast of characters in my life. Without them, I would have nothing to write about.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Book Review and A Prayer For Keith

I had a good time this weekend. I stayed the night in Austin on Friday night. Saturday, Dave and I went and saw Transformers 2, and went to San Antonio. We crashed his cousins bachelorette party (could become a new hobby of mine because it was awesome!) and hung out on the river-walk. I didn't even mind being in San Antonio; guess it's true what they say: time heals all wounds. I took tons of mental pictures with my imaginary camera, so I will share them with you at a later date.

During my travels, I finished 3 books. One was a Harry Potter book, one was a novel called The Collectors, and the other one was a C.S. Lewis book called The Great Divorce. The Great Divorce is a book that puts a whole new aspect on Heaven and Hell. It's hard to follow at times because C.S. Lewis was a genius, but the general concept is easy to grasp. It is a really short book, but it is a definite must read. I strongly suggest that you go to your local book store, get a copy, and spend about 3 hours one afternoon reading this thought provoking novel. It's amazing.


Please take time to pray for Keith Beasley today. He was not supposed to make it through the night but ended up pulling it out. They need all the prayers we can give.

Stay updated at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/keithbeasley

Let me get you started:
God, please place your healing hands on Keith and wrap your comforting arms around Judy and the rest of the family....


  1. You aren't kidding about CS Lewis being a genius! I am reading Mere Christianity and it is incredible. I will be posting about it soon. I will have to get The great Divorce next.

    I will pray for this family.

  2. Chad, I will pray for them as well. Have a good week!

  3. Strange...my Sunday school teacher asked me to pray for Keith Beasley. My husband and I had no idea what had happened, so we "googled" KEITH BEASLEY, ACCIDENT. Good ol' google led me to your blog. So, I read your writings on Keith and was really impressed on how much you too, along with Judy, share your love for the Lord and so forth. You write incredibly and straight from the heart.

  4. Chad, I have been getting the Caringbridge updates ever since you first shared about Keith. I have been praying for them.
