This weekend the streak continues with a Lubbock trip. My roommate (Dave) has a little brother (Wally) who is getting married. I was cordially invited so once 4:00 hits, I am Lubbock bound!
Friday Fotos:
Here are some randoms from the weekend Dave, Jess, and I went to Arkansas and met up with Jess's best friend from high school and her husband (Jess is the girl who lives in Hawaii that we went to see)
This is the whole gang (Camera timer = successful)
We thought it would be cool to take a picture with this sign (Jacob, who at this point had known me for all of an hour, pointed at me like I was a dog. Funny man)
This picture always makes me laugh (it looks like I'm trying to take a quick picture with a wild, angry animal)
Bet you were wondering why I was talking about babies in the title, eh? This is Sarah and Jacob's son, Gibson (Notice the Burt's Bees in is hand; I got him started early)
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